FormosanBank 的主要目標之一是提供全方位的語料,促進研究人員對臺灣南島語的研究工作。在此,提供我們利用 FormosanBank 語料所進行的研究成果。
Scheppat, H., Le Ferrand, É., Hartshorne, J., & Prud'hommeaux, E. (2025). Integrating diverse corpora for training endangered language machine translation systems. In Proceedings of the Eighth Workshop on the Use of Computational Methods in the Study of Endangered Languages (ComputEL-8). Honolulu, HI/Virtual.
Tall, O., Le Ferrand, É., Hartshorne, J., & Prud'hommeaux, E. (2024). Reclaiming Archival Texts with User-Friendly OCR. Poster presented at the 9th International Conference on Language Documentation & Conservation (ICLDC9), Miami, Florida.
Eric Le Ferrand, Zoey Liu, Antti Arppe, and Emily Prud'hommeaux. (2024). Are modern neural ASR architectures robust for polysynthetic languages?. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024, pages 2953–2963, Miami, Florida, USA. Association for Computational Linguistics.
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